Steel Inspect GmbH enters the Taiwan renewable energy market

German leading quality service provider enters the Taiwan market|Formosan Business Support Co. Ltd.

German leading quality service provider enters the Taiwan market

in Formosan News

Steel Inspect GmbH – worldwide quality consulting

Steel Inspect is a reliable partner for companies faced with the inevitable challenges involved in complex projects and will maximize quality and time control of a project. The focus is on satisfying individual customer requirements as well as on efficient time management and added safety in order to prevent any unpleasant surprises. During the last decade Steel Inspect consistently pursues the growth path as a quality service provider for inspection, consulting and monitoring as already initiated in 2006. Since then Steel Inspect has allowed us to pool the experience of 15 years in the field of project management, quality assurance and expediting into a global, lean holding structure.

The services of Steel Inspect include planning, monitoring and supporting of projects worldwide in the field of construction of power systems, engineering systems, industrial and wind power plants - using a top-skilled interdisciplinary team which ensures a high-quality standard without any compromise. This is something Steel Inspect will guarantee at its sites in Germany, India, UAE and just started: in Taiwan!


Q7 Concept – the 7 phases of Quality Control in plant construction

We especially support our clients in ensuring high-quality and on-time completion for their projects, based on our service portfolio that includes professional manufacturing and assembly monitoring, regular quality inspections, strict progress expediting as well as consulting and quality assurance services in all 7 stages of project execution – starting from the design and initial procurement until it’s handed over to the client.

All quality inspections and activities are carried out in compliance with the respective applicable standards and guidelines. The activities as outlined in the 7 individual execution stages show a generally applicable core, which will be the subject of discussion and adjustments in a joint tender meeting, based on project and client-specific details.

Main Benefits:

  • Interdisciplinary project specific quality control and comprehensive know-how transfer through all execution phases according verified client needs
  • Lump sum offers phase wise for better cost transparency and responsibility / flexible and fast response on client requests
  • Cost efficient QA/QC execution, inspection and monitoring based on efficient and well-developed inspection and time schedules
  • Continuous expediting and progress monitoring for on-time completion and matching the required quality standards
  • High competence of all involving project members sourced and maintained by Steel Inspect
  • Permanent and transparent follow up of QC and project status via electronic Q7 MDL and Document Control System through web access provided by Steel Inspect / work results like issued documents, schedules, ITPs, manpower planning and reports are always accessible to our clients supported by a 24/7 electronic reporting system
  • Our mindset in regard of not acting as a problem-documenter or administrator, but rather as problem solver and an active design, fabrication and erection consultant
  • The main added value is the holistic approach of integrated Project Quality Control & Time Supervision throughout all project execution phases – to efficiently reduce costs on quality and to improve time awareness!